MonoMonday – mm102 - Beginning:

In the Beginning There Was Fire
I thought I was being so creative until I found it was a track on an album called ‘Criticize the Truth’ by ‘Evidence One’ released in 2002. Yes – I hadn’t either, but someone must know them. 
The style of the track takes me back some forty five years to the SS Drupa and steaming up and down the English Channel ‘lightening’ the bulk oil carriers so the could get into ports that otherwise would have been to shallow for them.  As Fourth Engineer I took the 8 to 12 watch, and when we came off duty at midnight Radio Geronimo had just started broadcasting.  I ventured to their offices in Harley Street would you believe, number one I think, and came back to ‘Drupy-Draws’ loaded up with Radio Geronimo ‘tee-shirts’ and similar.  I believe they got busted shortly after.  Oh the memories .  .  .
Sad note – I Googled ‘SS Drupa’ and found she was scrapped in 1993.
Many thanks to Osuzanna for hosting this months MonoMonday

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