Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Old and new

I did two house calls to collect work first thing. I then went into Boston to meet someone at the Citizens' Advice bureau.  I had the cleaning machine on most of the afternoon so it has been a busy day.
I am not sure the footbridge design is quite in keeping with Boston stump but, as with the Louvre pyramid (love it or hate it), contrasts are quite popular.  The tower of St Botolph's Church is 272 feet 6 inches  high, making it the tallest parish church in England to its roof. For the last one hundred and thirty odd years there have only been 26 bells at the Stump. 15 carillon bells, 10 bells hung for full circle ringing and the sanctuary bell.
The tower was used as a marker for travellers on The Fens especially in World War Two when Lincolnshire was known as "Bomber County" for its proliferation of air bases. British and American pilots would use The Stump as a signpost to guide them back to base. It also appears that the German Luftwaffe used the tower as a marker. Boston itself suffered very few bombings.

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