Nosey sheep

Monday 4th Jan 2016 (1227)

I needed some fresh air and exercise. The weather forecast said it would be raining all day from 11am. I decided to go out after breakfast. I couldn't muster enough enthusiasm for a muddy walk on my own so I decided to take the bike.

I really enjoyed it and ended up going further than intended. I was approaching where I normally start to turn back when I saw a lane called "New way". I decided to follow it, seemed a good opportunity to clear my head. I had no idea where it was leading. It went quite a way and then reached a junction. I took "Back lane", which was the one heading back roughly in the right direction. It soon became full of potholes and narrower. There was a big puddle covering the whole road. Given my fall in the puddle a few weeks ago I decided not to risk unseen potholes so pushed the bike through while I walked along the verge. Not long after I realised the road turned into a track and I wasn't into mountain biking along mud. I turned back and this time decided to ride the same route through the puddle. As I started the sheep took notice and all ran to watch in case I fell off, sorry to disappoint them! A good 9 mile ride, did me the world of good. 

Back home I managed to get some work done. I've booked a ticket to go and see Star Wars this evening. 

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