Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Christmas decs ....... down

After visiting pa-in-law this morning, returned home to start the taking down of the Christmas decorations. Sad sometimes, because that's it then until the end of the year, and doesn't the house look bare without all the adornments!

Raining heavy today, birds viewed out my window trying to gather food during the rain, pecking away at the wet fat balls and wet peanuts. I suppose this only adds the water to the food in one, making for a moist morsel.

Pa-in-law ok, he struggles with daily living tasks but is too proud to ask for help and too stubborn (frugal) to pay for a cleaner or any help. This is usually our topic of conversation on our visits (most weeks). We have recently talked about him moving into residential care, having help 24 hours a day, meals prepared etc and he is happy to go and have a look. On talking to him today, not sure this is the option he will choose - still wanting to remain as independent as he can ............ This inabikity to make a decision and reluctance to have support/help has times when it frustrates hubby .... He appears to spend his day watching the many re-runs of a tv programme, not venturing out, not joining in the twice weekly activities where he lives, but going to the day centre once a week to join in the craft activity. We have talked about online shopping for him, attending the day centre more than once a week but whatever suggestion you make/offer he finds an excuse not to - have a touch of the "tritus", or an "umpty" day!

Ho hum, back to work tomorrow ........ :)


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