Plus ça change...

By SooB

New year, new jigsaw

A travelling day. Last night's unwisely late finish was mirrored by an unnecessarily early wakening. Sleepy packing and farewelling our long-suffering hosts, and off to Gatwick to the grumpy realisation that we had not in fact booked Speedy Boarding and therefore the right to two bags... Happily a very nice Easyjet man put our bags in the hold for free.

All was going well.

And so, the lounge, the stroll to the gate, and a 10.25 departure....

Ok, not quite. A delay, a stroll back to the lounge for another hour, then nearly two hours on the plane waiting for petrol. Finally, in the burgeoning gale, we were bumpily, armrest-grippingly, underway. Four hours late home on four hours sleep is not great. And, no, the free box of crisps did not make up for it.

But the house is still standing, the fish all alive (despite their automatic feeder depositing all their food on the floor), dinner has been had and the new jigsaw is advancing slowly to the tune of an unwise number of Homeland episodes..

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