WORN OUT . . .

Helppppp . . . hope I can get this Blipped tonight as the lights are flickering and the power has gone off three times ! Will keep trying.

Worn out . . . clearly this umbrella has given in to the bad weather and ceased to give useful protection. Blippy is still very happy and decided to continue celebrating at home today . . . watching constant replays of the match yesterday . . . hehe.

The umbrella was spotted today on a grand day out aboard The North Eastern on the return journey from Pickering to Whitby. This train was pulled by steam locomotive 44871, a Stanier Black Five, built in 1945. An extra added showing our arrival in Whitby Station.

Managed to miss most of the rain and the day was completed with a grand Blipmeet with Blippers Artmonkey and LaurenceA1.

Lots to catch up with . . . and I will be able to spend more time on Blip tomorrow.

Hope you all have a grand week ahead  !

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