
By beeeze

Panic panic panic

Spent most of today trying to organise my photos for the EMA and do the written bit with Ma removing her clothes every three minutes including two full fresh sets of clothes required, talking non-stop at me and standing very very close arggh my pet hate. I get very pooky about my personal space. Suffice to say that I haven't managed to get anywhere near finished, but I have posted the contenders for my final 10 in Flickr should you wish to help me decide. All comments and critique most welcome.

It has also been quite wet here, heavy showers mostly, but the second I tried to step over the door down it came. You could take these things personally after a while.

So the sweetest little fuschia from the garden it is. This is one of the tiny ones, not those whopping great tutus, and is quite a pale pink. But so so lovely when you take the time to look at it closely.

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