The Last Day

You know when you go on summer holiday, you get into the routine of a few activities and then sitting down for the rest of the day. (Well I do anyway). That's what the last week has been like, some Good Jobs and lots of Bugger All. Marie came round this morning, my job for the day after she left was a supermarket shop. But it was lashing it down and a cursory glance in the fridge was reassuring that Will won't starve at school tomorrow (Daisy with the most perfect placement of inset days doesn't go back until Wednesday) so I abandoned the shop in favour of making a cocktail, eating the rest of the cheese and watching telly for the afternoon.

Then my desk pencil sharpener arrived. With her normal accurate insight Daisy asked why I hadn't got an electric one. Of course that was the one I had meant to buy but no matter, Will has a pencil case full of super sharp pencils, he has yet to bring me his lunch box out of his school bag though......

So, a very good Christmas holiday, at least tomorrow just brings a muddy walk across the swamp garden in place of any actual driving.

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