Photographic musings

By Wheeliebloke


Yesterday I assembled my new TV stand. I got some mates to come over and do the lifting and shifting for me. Whilst all this was going on, I had the realisation that the black glass unit I'd ordered would make a good surface for photography. I honestly didn't choose this unit with that in mind, it's just a happy coincidence. Ideal for today's theme of 'edge'.  I first thought to use one of the medals from my military days but couldn't get the angle I wanted because of the way they're mounted. Hmmmm...what else can I use? How about a pound coin? Well, it works much better, I think. I can get the whole coin in shot. Also, it's a complete contrast to yesterday's high key shot.

As usual, minimal amount of processing, a tiny bit of cloning to get rid of some dust specks from the glass. I polished it before hand but still there were intruders. That's all the housework I'm doing today, by the way. 

Hope you like it. Now let's nip over and see what Bob and Bob have got for the 3 Bob Challenge.

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