Not very happy

We have had much better weather here today. Still rather windy at times, and the occasional passing shower, many of which passed by well away. The greenfinches were seeking food from early this morning. By midday, they were scavenging amongst the leaves on the deck (from yesterday's strong winds) for spilled seed.

Daughter J brings her cat (Thaddeus Rex, usually called T Rex) when she comes to stay. In the city T Rex is an expert rodent catcher. Here, he fancies himself as a bird catcher. He's not greatly successful, but persists. He stalked one of the greenfinches on the deck, and then raced towards it as J ran out growling. The bird escaped without difficulty, and T Rex sat under a chair for a half hour, looking very cross.

A tui came and muscled in on the bird table. After some water from the dish in the centre of the table, it seems. I am quite pleased with my photo of it; see the first of today's extras. The second is a white-faced heron seen when I walked along the edge of the water ebbing out from Southend, Snells Beach

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