The Life and Times of ...

By PappaG

Quack !

Evening all,

Shopping today .......(grrrrrrrr).......we need a few things, Elder G needed restocked......the good thing is we got the ingrediants for Macaroni and Cheese....two reasons I like this.....1) she makes a mean Macaroni and Cheese ....2) I dont need to cook .....night off lol ;0)

On our way back we stopped at one of my favourite ponds for Mini G to feed the burds ducks.......there were ducklings.....they were so gorgeous I could almost have ate them.....but I resisted.....too small for pancakes yet hahahahahahahahahahahaha...............;0)

Loved this shot.......straight from the camera..... for the speed these wee buggers paddle at .....well chuffed ;0)

Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath - Michael Caine

Bit how my life is....looks like I'm calm on the outside but by god am I paddling like ....... !!!! ;0)

Have a great evening ;0)

TTFN ;0)

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