
By Fritha

Waiting... (and ranting)

Hastily snapped in the waiting room at the hospital, as we waited and waited and waited for the consultant who is always late and always makes Celia cry and always makes me angry.

Celia has a dairy allergy and he told us she shouldn't have milk, at all, under any circumstances as each time an allergic person is exposed that could be the time they have the big scary life threatening reaction. We were told a milk challenge can and only shoudl be done in hospital, just in case. Makes you careful doesn't it. Seems we're a rarity!

Today he asked us if she's had any dairy products.
What none?
No cheese?
No milk?
No yoghurt?
No ice cream?
No accidents at all?
Oh, usually by this point nursery or Grandparetns have given them milk and you find they're ok and we don't need to test.
You told us not to give her any milk.
Well yes. But most people do.
*stares in disbelief*
Well, now we'll have to give her a blood test to see if she's still allergic, if it comes back negative, which of course it will, then a milk challenge in hospital. If she'd accidentally had milk we could have avoided that!

*sigh* I paraphrase but that's almost exactly the conversation we had. I'm speechless, poor Celia with her terrible neglectful (caring) parents, anyone want to 'accidentally' chuck a pint of milk on my kid? *headdesk*

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