Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

He's got the whole world ...

... in his hand.

One of my favourite Christmas presents. I can only cope with the world if I can try and understand it. And flat maps just don't do it. Reality is curved, whether we like it or not - warped as well, thanks to big business and politicians ... but that's a whole other discussion.

As for the rest:

Weather wise about as miserable a day as you can imagine. Siri didn't help ...

The journey to see Aged P was characterised by torrential rain and livestock on the A21, causing it to be closed. She was gaunt, tired and in pain. It was one of the sadder times; we popped out for a while to buy her some lemonade whilst she had lunch. TSM donated her designer cat key ring, which mum seemed to find amusing, and which now sits on the zipper of her handbag.

The day just seemed to disappear after that. But in the evening we watched Cumberbatch and Freeman in the seasonal Sherlock Holmes special. Absolutely brilliant.

One more day then back to work. It’s been a lovely break.

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