The best

Photo of Dru that I could manage as she kept wiggling and the best news regarding her health. 

Vets trip this morning to get the results of her urine sample - all fine. Yay. No more infection. No more pain, just a bright as a button happy little girl. We now just need to maintain her health and along with the special renal food the vet has recommend sunflower oil daily to help her bladder and she can have oily fish as well. 

I have added some extra photos today, I took them yesterday. One of Boo looking adorable and then my first attempts at macro now I've worked out how to do it, its different to the bridge camera where you pretty much have to be touching your subject, all in auto still for the moment, I am saving for some books and hoping that I can find some courses. Has anyone done the ones that Jessops do? Are they any good for the money? Any suggestions for books, guidance and courses welcomed. 

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