Happy New Blip Year!

A lovely New Year's visit to see our friends in Arundel, such a beautiful town.

The children had a great time playing together on Fri evening and then had tremendous fun with their sleepover in the same room. There was a lot of giggling and not much sleeping to begin with! Even R went off to sleep at 8pm to allow me to partake in the curry our friend had made for us, lovely.

I didn't manage to get the word 'blip' into my photo but am including it in the words instead. As a new year starts I am thankful for blipfoto and the part it plays in recording a special moment each and every day, I love looking back to memories made a year or 2 ago and remembering great times. I want to be part of blip in the future and so have decided to pledge once I have got organised post holidays. See the link for more info on plans for blip.
I would be very sad to see the site go.

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