
By Yeda

Ice Cream Haka

I kid you not, tonight is the first of The Triple Sleepover. An event so rare in a four and six-year-old life that it has the makings of legendary proportions. Yes, I bribed them to clean their rooms, dress for bed, and brush their teeth -with ice cream. And, no, I just didn't think it through when I told them to go outside to eat it. Considering what they did at dinner, well, who could blame me?

But then, there they were, outside my kitchen window, serenading me with a strange song. Perhaps chant is more like it. It rose higher a few octaves (and decibels) and quickly subsided when I opened the window. I heard a few small giggles right before they started to shout,

"We like ice cream, we like ice cream, hoo hoo, ha ha, hoo hoo, HA!"

And on the last HA! they raised their ice cream cones, stamped their feet, messed up their faces, and repeated the whole Haka again. They were possessed. Or perhaps dancing through a huge chocolate and vanilla rush of legendary proportions.

Good night all. See you here tomorrow night with the second installment of The Triple Sleepover.

(note: Yes, they did brush their teeth again!)

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