A Look Alike

It's entirely possible that my mermaid, who hangs provocatively on the bathroom wall near the scales, has been dusted down to appear on these pages before.
It is also entirely possible that it happened at this very time of year when her shape and mine morph into one and the same, except for her lack of legs.

Unfortunately my shape is not going to improve overnight, there are still mince pies and a box or two of chocolates to be consumed before His Lordship and I can wind down the festive eating bonanza.
Never has the thought of a simple meal of beans on toast with maybe a poached egg on top seemed so appealing. I do not want to see another slice of turkey and stuffing, gilded with cranberry sauce for at least another 51 weeks.

The world seems to continue in holiday mode, just as 36 years ago today, when everything kicked off as Shipley daughter made her entrance into the world.
It is widely known that the beginning of August is not the best time to be admitted to hospital when a new batch of wet behind the ears junior doctors are let loose on the wards, but New Year is not much better when medical staff are either on holiday or hung over.
However, alls well that ends well, Happy Birthday Rosie!

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