Blip love

Blipfoto, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
You’ve helped me to be in the moment, to really look around and not just blindly dash through life.
You’ve treated me to sights I had never imagined - both through my lens and through the posts of others.
You’ve invited me into the lives and hearts of people all over the world!
You’ve given me great joy - each and every day for over 4 years - and I can’t imagine living without you!

To everyone who follows me, please help keep Blipfoto alive with a pledge to their crowdfunding effort. The current owners plan to close it down unless sufficient funds are pledged to buy it back by January 11, 2016. No money will be collected until the goal is reached.
Visit and give whatever you are able. 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

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