Relight My Fire

Time for the Blip Challenge 2016 – Take an image that contains the word Blip and Write in the text why Blip is special.
For me Blip was something that at the start I was very apprehensive about, I never thought I would be up to the daily challenge and when Lainymac first suggested it I was hesitant about what it would mean.  Up till that point my photography used to always involve just a few subjects, mainly landscapes and vehicles.  As we started Blip in the early months of the year I had to very quickly look for other “things” to photograph.  Within a matter of weeks I was hooked.
Very quickly I started taking the “safety blip” on my phone when something interesting presented itself.  Yes my SLR still followed me around but you had to be careful.  Often the safety blip ended up being the image of the day.  It made me get out of my comfort zone and look for other things, patterns, people, ordinary things around us.  Yes the planes and boats are still there.  Even the sunsets and landscapes.  But in amongst them new and different things.
Blip - prior to all the changes to its layout and branding - had me hook, line and sinker.  As time went by I started to gather followers and people to follow, although blip meets are still something I have yet to achieve.   The community of fellow Blipper’s around us gave encouragement and inspiration for new things to try.
I would love to see this community continue but if that is to happen then we need to dig deep and help to rescue it for the future.  Please have a look at the Blipfuture site,, and if possible give a little towards the cause.  I decided to see what £50 would look like and to be honest it doesn’t really look like much, its barley enough coins to spell the word Blip. (£10 was never going to give me a full word)  So please, if you can, donate towards the future of Blip.  If you can’t then please show your support by following us and encouraging new recruits to join our community.  You can find out more on the BlipCentral blog here.
As ever I must give a huge big thanks to Mrs F for her tolerance of my obsession and her support over the last 3 years.
Before I go I thought I would list a few of my favourite Blips in case you are interested.  Please feel free to have a look.
Seagull Looking Over Red Lichen Covered Roof Tiles
Super Sunset
New Fountain
Stopping Power
Stormy Sky
Ailsa Craig

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