A time for everything

By turnx3

Christmas cake

Though we have lived in the States for many years now, we still have our traditional English Christmas food, even though when it comes to the Christmas cake, two of the kids dont eat it - or not much at any rate. Roger and I dont mind too much - that means there's more left for us! This is actually the earliest I've got it made in several years - I'm quite proud of myself! I always used to use my Mum's recipe, but the last few years I've been using Delia Smith's recipe - last year's was particularly successful for some reason - I hope this year's turns out as well when it's all finished.

I've not been doing a very good job of getting out walking lately - now the weather's turned cold, its not quite so appealing - but with the holidays almost upon us - Thanksgiving is next week - I must try harder, in an effort to combat the extra calories!

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