
What do I like about Blipfoto?

For me the priority is to publish a photo a day.

To conquer the dread of getting up on a dreary, grey, raining day with absolutely no inspiration, then to prowl round the house looking for a misshapen carrot or a pretty trinket.
To moan about the light, how my macro images are not sharp, etc, etc.

To struggle to find a WiFi signal when abroad or when my service provider drops their service inexplicably.

Then to see clearly and to overcome all obstacles in my way.

Naturally there is the delight of seeing other journals and hopefully making a supportive comment or to receive one.

This is a community of generous, talented strangers who open their doors to me in their journal and long may it continue to do so.

What I would say to potential newcomers is this site has a uniqueness that other sites don't.
Examples of trolls are extremely rare and the site is moderated ("Be excellent to each other").
You don't have to comment or allow comments on your journal.

Just do it for the immense challenge and the joy of succeeding.

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