A place in time

By Verbosa

Blippin' heck

Well here we are at the start of a lovely New Year.  Let’s see if we can all make a difference and save Blip, eh?
Perhaps I may have been rather poor at posting my entries this year, although I do have a big backlog of images to upload (and I still mean to do), but I have continued to look in on the journals of what I consider to be my “friends” here.  I have followed their highs and lows, worrying about them if it was the latter and sending what I hope was some reassuring messages to them, as they have done for me.  Blip really does feel like a proper community and it has been truly joyful to see entries from around the globe – giving a glimpse into other worlds and ways of life.  Some Blippers use “proper” cameras with all the gizmos and some of us (me included) just use a camera phone for its immediacy, although I often quickly upload a photo from my phone first then follow it up with a “Blip-blurb” from my PC as soon as I can after the upload (I type better from a PC keyboard!). 
We now have an enthusiastic (albeit small) team trying to help us save Blip on behalf of all of us.  Bless their little cotton socks for making this effort.  If you want to join too, take a look at: https://www.blipfuture.com/invest
Like many others, I would be truly heartbroken to lose Blip and I have already pledged my bit.  It seems we have a way to go yet, but wouldn’t it be terrific if we could do it...?
BEANS ~ slang term for money, which is kind of appropriate as my job is as a Bean Counter J
(Take a look at:  http://www.fun-with-words.com/money_words.html)

Another thought from me...Blip ought to be compared to the WW2 Mass Observation project: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Housewife,_49.  So it is DEFINITELY worth saving :)

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