Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj


From early this morning, I have viewed wonderful, inventive images created by members of this community who are supporting a future for Blipfoto.

I had no idea what sort of image to produce. It's been a mainly indoor day too.  In my "studio", aka the dining room, I set up the tripod and took a photograph of myself. Then I have added words that explain why Blipfoto is important to me.

As a child and young adult, I occasionally tried to keep a diary, but it never lasted for long. Here, I have made a photo diary with 1988 entries. There have been very few missed days - I missed deliberately to avoid addiction but that failed!

If you enjoy seeing my photographs each day, then please give a little towards keeping Blip afloat. You do not have to become a blipper. I know that many regular followers see these blips on Facebook. You just have to pledge a few pounds to the cause.

I hoped that daily photography would improve my ability to use the camera well. I think it has. I had no idea that my life would be so enriched by new friendships, new ideas and a genuine supportive community. I nearly forgot to say what a lot of fun it is to blip too.

If you wish to pledge then follow this link

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