Life from city to village

By Gibbsangie

Blip Future

I've been a member of blipfoto for 3 years, buying lifetime membership after a few months. It started when a friend recommended the challenge of a photo a day. I liked the ideas and support the site provided. 

I haven't yet managed a photo a day - but I'm working on it. Today will be 152 in a row. I'd like to make the 200. 

For me, blipfoto is an escape. I work really hard, and its very easy to get caught up with everything that needs to be done. Blipfoto is the one thing I do purely for myself. Blipfoto can my excuse to leave the house on a bank holiday or weekend. It is my excuse to explore (which I love doing). For example, this photo was the reason I was able to persuade my youngest to come with me for a walk around Temple Newsam. It was cold - but we have had an hour outside, and have walked about 3.5km. 

I have learnt a huge amount since starting blip - and my photograph is better. I have learnt techniques (Any chance of resurrecting the technique challenge from the old site into Technical Tuesday with a different technique each week?) - and am now more confident with my camera. I've learned to slow the shutter speed to take light trails, to use AV to widen the area of focus, and am currently taking pictures on a manual setting with a 105mm lens. 

I have pledged to keep the site going, because it means so much to me. I'd love the shop to come back, to be able to buy a year book of the last year. 

Please, if you haven't pledged, please do so. You can spend £50 taking a family to the cinema for one night - how much longer lasting fun do you get out of this website?

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