Happy Blipfuture 2016

Happy New Year to all you fellow Blippers.

Well, what an amazing community this is. I have met some incredible people and made new real life friends. 

I do tend to pour my Heart out here and know that people are listening. The response is always supportive and kind.

I have no idea how I would cope without Blip as it has been a big part of my life for the last 1258 days. If it wasn't here any more then I would definitely feel the loss. There is nothing quite like it to take its place.

I think my favourite Journal entry was My Big Moment. Mr W has never been terribly interested in my Blips but that suits me as sometimes I need a moan!!! Might be best he doesnt see that! But on the 'Big Moment Day', he was really helpful, drove me miles to the spot I needed and was very patient while a chased a balloon up and down the beach!!!

I have tried and failed to get my children into Blip. But at least they gave it a go and they totally understand my need to keep taking pictures of them.

So here is my contribution to this amazing community. My little bit of effort to keep it going. As requested, here is the Blipfuture Link they want us to mention. I have pledged - in real money (and not chocolate coins!!!) in the hope we can keep going into 2017 and beyond because there's no way I'm giving up unless I really have to.

And please Blipfuture, can we have the books back??? I spent ALL DAY trying to make one yesterday and only got as far as April!!! 

So Happy New Year again to you all. And fingers crossed!!!!


My little extra was another attempt at todays Blip picture, but realised I should have cleaned the coffee machine first!!!!

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