Life through the lens...

By ValC

Not a drop to drink!

One thing I love in France are the roundabouts!
They seem to make a wonderful feature of them. Even in the smallest of villages. ( Not like the scruffy ones round here!) (Think I might write and illustrated book on the Roundabouts of France!)
This one is in the Champagne village of Oger.
We arrived quite early for our last overnight stop, so decided to have a drive along the Champagne Route. It goes through some very pretty villages. All trying to out do each other for best village competition. As it was Sunday we hardly saw a car or person, and all the small Champagne houses were closed except one. (which we managed to find!)
The Champagne House ofJean Milan is run by Henry-Pol Milan and daughter Caroline and son Jean Paul. The domaine has been part of the family since 1841. A miniscule 5 hectres spread among 42 parcels, and producing only 7,100 cases a year.
The grapes on the slopes here are all chardonnay, and the wines are all Grand Cru Blanc de Blanc.
Two very friendly ladies, gave us a few glasses to taste which were all wonderful and very refreshing ,especially after a long drive up the motorway!
We managed to find room in the car for 3 bottles.(At 16 euros very good value)

Will be saved for a special occasion!

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