Ben Howard

What an amazing night.

My brother picked me up and drove us to the airport we then made a run for it to our gate because the flight was about to leave, but we made it. We got to sun shiny Ibiza got on the bus and headed for Ibiza Rocks which is extremely nice and would defenetly recommend it. On our way up to the hotel we bought our tickets for 25 euros each, had a bit of dinner at the Ibiza rocks bar where we met to lovely people working there, I asked them if I could have the poster after the concert and they said sure.
So were walking in and waiting, just waiting for Ben. The support act was Joe Bugg which go check on you tube because he's really good- if you like bob dylan. And then he came! Ben Howard started playing my smile wasn't going to budge. He played all I favourite songs except The Fire but I let him off because it was honestly amazing and especially the fact that I was with my big bro! The atmosphere was... wow.
After the concert we made our way out had a beer and then off to get my poster which they had nicely taken down for me handed it over, we said our goodbye's and were on our way.
As me and my brother had till 11 o'clock in the morning to kill we though we would walk round the complex to see if we could find the entrance for the bands but we didn't...
We headed back to the entrance of the hotel and I saw the van that looks like the one that picks up the band and so I waited...
I saw him! I went up nicely shook his hand told him the concert was fucking amazing and not to give up I then asked if he could sign a piece of paper, he asked for my name and wrote... you'll have to see the next picture for that!

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