On Some Days

By V1k1

Save Blip

I have used flowers to write the word blip so I can combine Flower Friday and PledgeBlipfoto.  The silver earing is a Koru (spiral shape) symbolizing new life, growth, strength and peace.  It is a strong symbol in Maori art and what better symbol for a new blip owned by all of us.
I've  started to read through the journals which have the  word blip in them.  I can already see that what stands out for people is that we are on this  journey together, recording our lives one day at a time.  Because it is a world wide site we can connect with people we would never come in contact with.  Sometimes we cross paths and there are blip meets.
In my experience, which is just short of a year, the original ethos of Be Excellent has been followed.  Unlike some other social media sites  I think blip lets us look beyond ourselves.  It's not all about selfies and celebrities and sound bites. 
A lot of the pictures I take are okay but in one or two something else happens and that excitement is what keeps me here.  I have the privilege of seeing the magic moments in everyone's photos.  Through being here I have started to move from point and shoot to thinking about composition and mood.  This is self directed learning I would never have contemplated a year ago.
I enjoy the writing as much as the photos.  I have found poets and philosophers and social commentary and compassionate people.  It is uplifting.  I have learnt to string words together because I am here most days.  Don't forget the puns, humour, youtube links to music and who likes a single malt or a merlot or a G&T.
I think blip is worth saving.
I must thank everyone for the stars and hearts  on the blue agapanthus with bee.  I  don't photoshop or lightroom yet so getting an image like that is a thrill.  Thank you for noticing :-)

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