Just had to finish with an insect!

It was beautiful and sunny today, and I was able to get out for a while to go for a walk around the local cemetery. 
Last time I was there in October it was very dry and the mossy paths all brown and dried up, today they were amazingly green and looked fantastic next to the greens of the grass, so good in fact I was going to blip such a shot.......
On my way out I noticed this flowering shrub complete with several bees, and I simply had to end the year with a macro insect shot! the shape of things to come....I hope (only 31 days to the first of February!!!).
I am pretty certain this is the Buff-tailed Bumble bee Bombus terrestris, although the white tip to the abdomen may well mean it is the white-tailed Bumble bee Bombus Lucorum. 
They are both early species so either is possible.
So as this amazing year ends, I just want to wish all my blip friends a very Happy New Year and say I really do hope we are all still here blipping this time next year

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