Here Are Some of My Favorite Things I Wanted to Share With You.

1. My New Teapot and Cup (and sugar bowl)
2. Hot Tea
3. Pelican Feet
4. A Heart
5. A Tree
6. The Peaks of the Hills near where I live
7. Not Sure if this is a Duck or a Goose...either way I LOVE it.
9. Magical Islands that Float
10. BLIP..................I LOVE BLIP.......It has inextricably intertwined into my life ..... constantly challenging me to create ....write....get out and take pics....because of this I have a new and deep  love affair with the land/seascape....it is very rewarding...it helps me feel connected to what is important. 

I hope that this time next year I will be creating a Blip for 2017...I LOVE this community.....I have met some wonderful folk on this site....some I have met and spent time with...some I would love to meet......some I will be meeting in the coming year.......and for sure Photographers always know the best and most beautiful places.
I love to share my beautiful family with my blip mates  and as time has moved on and I have felt closer and safer within this forum I have  opened up more than what I ever thought I would .....and often 'spilled my guts' only to find the most (often) informative and kind comments waiting for me in the morning. We share our ups and downs Births ....Deaths ......Marriages.....all of it......keeping it all real.

I am not sure what is going to happen to our beloved Blip.......I would love for it to keep going...I can't imagine it folding...I guess the only way to keep it going is to pledge https://www.blipfuture.com

HAPPY NEW YEAR..........lets create a most awesome 2016

with Love Gitama

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