This was one of my Christmas presents from Mr A, the nearest I am going to get to another kitten!

The weather today has been very dismal, rain, rain, and more rain.  But fortunately no flooding.  The whole garden is full of sand being so close to the beach so it drains away.  We went out to lunch to a new pub today, The New Inn at Goonhavern and it was very good.

Well tomorrow is the last day of 2015.  We are all sorry here that we will not be able to celebrate with my sister, Redflash and her husband as some of you know, she is not well.  So once again it will be just us three, as usual.

If I don't get an opportunity to blip tomorrow, I wish you all a very HAPPY NEAR YEAR.

Thanks for the encouragement on my new project and my first glass consignment is on its way. xxxx

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