Rain, rain & more rain

Today it has rained on all of my walks.  I’ve had three shortish walks today and I’ve been soaked through to my skin every time.  But do you know what?............................ The good thing about rain water is............................ it makes my fur all soft and silky.

The bad thing about rain water is............................ It makes Ann all grumpy with me because she finds it difficult to get all her dog walking clothes & shoes dry in time for the next dog walk.  Well, that’s not my fault is it???
And she says that I smell??  But actually, when you see what terrible problems people are having in other parts of the country; wet clothes & a stinky dog don't seem too bad.

And it’s been too wet to get the camera out today so that’s why I’ve been blipped in the kitchen, in the dark, wearing my new night time illuminating flashing collar.  I also got some new ordinary collars & leads for Christmas but I’m not allowed to wear them yet because I’ve got to get some new identity discs for them.

And I haven’t really got anything else to say today?!!

PS – Weather app is looking good for the New Year celebrations tomorrow evening which is pleasing Ann because she’s going to be out and about helping to ‘control the crowds’ in St Ives.  The last time she did that job she was dressed as a banana (with a high viz ‘I’m in control’ jacket on top) but got a little bit disheartened because as soon as she got into town she met a whole bunch of bananas??  So much for a unique fancy dress!!  This year she’s forgoing the banana outfit and will just wear a high viz jacket with warm & waterproof clothing underneath. Lol!

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