My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Both together!

It's not often we get the two of them together in one photo! I love the expression on Mr Messi-cat's face in the background - watching every move his sister makes!

This was taken on an emergency blip walk in the garden and alleyway out the back... we had another mammoth appointment at the Maternity Assessment Unit at the hospital today (5 1/2 hours!). Baby and I had lots of checks done. My blood pressure is borderline high so I had blood tests for any pre-eclampsia markers - happy to say these results came back clear. Baby decided to sleep whilst on the monitor which made them a little anxious about her movements but we managed to wake her up. All in all, everything is fine but it took a long time to work that out.

Back next Monday to do it all again and maybe have a membrane sweep to see if we can encourage things to get started on their own. The end (and a new beginning) is in sight.

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