
By FlyingPRGal


Fudge is my aunt and uncle's six year old Alsatian. She's a lovely natured doggie and is very well trained. She sat on first command and stayed patiently while I took her photo.

I longed to run around the garden with her this morning but I had to hit the road after spending longer than planned making a kangaroo picture with my cousin's adorable four year old daughter.

Lovely to spend time with extended family the past 24 hours and looking forward to visiting again soon in January. Ended the day catching up with one of my uni pals and her old school friends who I've known almost as long as her.

Much chat about our partying days of our twenties ensued and a loose plan to do a girls holiday in the summer made for a relaxed evening.

Sunshine and swimming pools seem a world away at the moment although I noticed this afternoon at the Castle that the untypical warm weather has brought out daffodils and crocuses and swans are nest building already!

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