One step at a time!

By IanO

Taking it all in her stride

This is a quick pic of Suzy and Lucy. I took them both to see Tom the vet this morning, Lucy to have her stitches removed and Suzy for an examination of her 'lumps'. Tom gave me the good news that the biopsy showed Lucy's tumours were all benign, what a relief!

Suzy also has three lumps but these are not so serious and can be removed much more easily than Lucy's op. The plan now is for them both to go in for an operation on the same day in about four weeks time.

Lucy is much transformed after having her stitches out and is moving about more easily now. She loved the short walk in the park today so it looks like regular dog walking will now resume, subject to storm Frank's progress.

Tails from the dog park #29

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