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By Snowcycle

Wintry Bike Ride

A glorious day for a bike ride, and get rid of some cabin fever. I'm not one for really holing up indoors, I prefer to be out. As its December, I only cycle down to West Linton and Romannobridge before heading home.

The photo above is taken from the start of the Moor road to West Linton looking towards South Black Hill, Scald LAw and Carnethy Hill obscured by cloud. It looks quite nice with patches of snow.

As I cross the border between Midlothian and the Scottish Borders, I am surprised by the patches of snow in fields beside the road. Mind you it is a smidgen over 2 deg C. At the highest point, there's even snow on the road. Not that it bothers anyone else I see on a bike. The lovely weather means each cyclist I see has a big smile on their face.

At West Linton, the snow has gone apart from some remnants on the bridge across Lyne Water on Bogsbank Road. This takes me to Romannobridge. Here, Lyne Water has burst its banks. The houses are not affected as it has flooded the flood plain, and the small caravan park.

I take the A701 back to Leadburn, which has quite a bit of snow beside it,  where the snow ploughs have obviously been hard at work. At Leadburn, where I pass back in to Midlothian, the patches of snow disappear. It is a fast ride from here through Howgate and Auchendinny to get home. A nice 56km, 35 miles.

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