A Sense of Community?

Now that we have been here a year Porty feels like a place with a sense of community. On a brief walk to the shops this afternoon I saw two different people I knew to speak to. And on the left the new flats on the prom sympathetically include the old pottery kilns in the landscaping round the back. But is that community? Isn't it more than people you know and what the new developments in the area look like? Shouldn't it be thinking of the wider community rather than selfishly putting your own convenience above that of everyone else? Yes, the council should do a better job of collecting refuse but if the communal bins are full, why not keep the rubbish bags in your flat a few days longer? And yes, the end of the free large uplift collections was something of an encouragement to domestic fly-tippers but if you have a fridge freezer to get rid of surely you can arrange to get it to the dump, which isn't that far up the road?

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