ROOM 101 - is a BBC comedy television series based on the radio series of the same name, in which celebrities are invited to discuss their pet hates and persuade the host to consign those hates to oblivion in Room 101, a location whose name is inspired by the torture room in the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four which reputedly contained "the worst thing in the world". George Orwell himself named it after a meeting room in Broadcasting House where he would sit through tedious meetings.

The challenge today is to take a photograph of something that you would like to put in Room 101 - which really got me thinking.  

There are several things that I don’t like - people “cutting me up” when I’m driving, bad manners, disrespect and my real “hate” is bad grammar and in particular, the misuse of apostrophes.  

So, how embarrassing a few weeks ago, when I put up one of my Post-it Notes and didn’t put an apostrophe in the word “it’s” when it should have had one - and of course, my dear son in Thailand picked up on it and said how surprised he was that I had made that mistake!  Isn’t it true that “When you're right, no-one remembers, and when you’re wrong, no-one forgets!”

When an assistant in a shop enquires “Can I help you?” I am reminded of my English teacher at school, Mr. Comrie, who when we used to ask, “Please Sir, can I fill my pen?” would respond, “I don’t know, can you?  Don’t you mean, ‘May I fill my pen?’”

However, here is a “thing” that doesn’t work that well that I might just consign to Room 101 - a cheese slice.  When using it I often find that the cheese crumbles, so I then resort to cutting the cheese with a knife.  Mr. HCB thought it was a good photograph with the camera reflected in it - I’m not so sure but as I need to do some clearing up, decided to use it, as it does fit the bill.

Let grammar, punctuation, 
     and spelling
          into your life!
Even the most energetic and 
     wonderful mess 
          has to be turned
               into sentences.
Terry Pratchett

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