twinned with trumpton


Such a busy day; after yet more sleep (Am I not well??), I got moving, laundry, dishes, tidying. And then I could ignore it no more. Layers of lycra duly donned, and out onto the open road. A peripherique of sorts in mind.
Silverknowes was bedlam; a real life 3D version of Frogger; avoiding dog walkers, new puppies, new bikes, new scooters and old people with no spatial awareness.
And slowly I wound my way around to course; deviating at Bankhead for photos. Deviating at Sighthill for photos. Deviating at Wester Hailes for photos, deviating at Loanhead for photos, before eventually hammering down the descents and then back into town from Porty.
I checked a few possible restaurants to meet her at later and then sped home to dip my icy toes into a hot bath and thaw them out. 35 miles? Maybe more? But not at any great lick. The reason for this? She got me the End to End /LETJOG book for Christmas and I want to do it before my 50th, so I reckon the summer of '17 is the hope. 14 days? Easy enough, I reckon....

Anyhow, she called and brought forward dinner; we hastily agreed Hanam's (always love it there); she got back from park / scooter and her lad and the lad's girlfriend were yelling, so she foisted G to Ray and met me until things resolved themselves.

After a couple of hours of very pleasant chat and eyebrow raising and general silliness, we were in Drs and the phone went and she ditched me; as we're walking along the road the by now ex girlfriend was coming along the street, so she spoke to her and then went home to pick up the pieces. To find out he'd already invited Charlotte to stay for the night....! Neither she nor G were too impressed with this....!

I went off to Kilderkin to see the stalwart brother from Valencia; he'd spent the day at the folks and we had a quick pint there before seeking out food at the Mitre? The sister in law and nieces went home leaving us to chat; and watch his increasing bemusement at the ex / Orkney brothers' recent antics. But a good evening; back to his house where he's holed up for the next week; chatted some more with the lot of them over a cuppa and then took myself off home for some much needed sleep.

I need to get lots of cycling miles in before June 17....

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