A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Busy day

Despite a very bad night's sleep pointlessly worrying about things that I can do little about in the daylight let alone in the darkest hours, it's been quite a lovely and even semi productive day.

The house has been pretty much recovered from all the entertaining and even the food cupboard has been given a full sort. After the second precariously balanced jar fell out and broke in a week it seemed a good use of time.

A fun park trip for me and Anna and Albi and our neighbours with their beagle puppy Maisie this morning. And an afternoon largely spent introducing Anna to Ugly Betty which was a big hit.

A much better day for J who has been considerably brighter and more up and about so not too long a recovery period from yesterday's crash.

And here's Albi on her evening walk yet again demonstrating her undauntable optimism in the face of a giant stick.

And now a very early night.

Lesley x

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