Aud stuff


Water day

Apologies for the poor pun, but it has been a theme.

Swim in Loch Lomond to start; Balloch slipway to Cameron House and back. The swim must be several metres longer than a few weeks ago judging by how far up the beach the water now reaches. I can't begin to imagine how much extra water that requires.

After I got home there was a flood of almost biblical proportions developing in the driveway. The perils of living midway down a hill! The garage has a few inches of water in it and the drains were full so the front door was under threat for a while.

And then the flood receded and i had a visit from my personal trainer who was bearing a new torture implement called a dolphin trigger point scraper. Bruises are likely I fear but my muscles feel looser, so it was a good pain!

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