
After two days of festivities, today was a quiet day. It is finally colder outside, and mum said we might get snow tomorrow. I like snow, so I hope we will! I had fun playing with my Christmas presents. This is Squirrel, I just love him! Thanks Dolly!

Tonight was the final episode of Downton, much anticipated by mum. I like anything that means cuddles on the sofa, so I was very happy too. Marshmallow Santas were being consumed, and I got a few super tiny pieces! Yay! Mum wore a Christmas present she doesn't even want me to mention, and even less blip. We'll see if I can persuade her... I was in a very bouncy and playful mood despite the fact that we HAD been on our evening walkie already. Mum watched Downton and enjoyed it very much! And shed some tears at the end...

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