The Way I See Things


Witch hazel

I shot this today with my new macro lens, which is the Tamron 90mm Di SP f/2.8. I'm really very pleased with it - not least because having accustomed myself to the limitations of working with extension tubes I'm finding it extraordinarily liberating to be able to focus from infinity down to less than 30cm without changing lenses.

As promised by the reviews, it has also turned out to be a good general purpose and portrait lens. Portraiture has never been my thing - but I would like to improve my skills, and yesterday Child One sweetly allowed me to practise by taking some photos of her, my favourite of which I've put in as an extra. This was taken in available light, but I was also the lucky recipient of a speedlight this Christmas, which provides me with a whole new avenue of learning to explore.

Apart from a walk this morning with R and Arthur I've spent most of today slumped in my office chair, trying to recover from all the rushing around I did yesterday. Luckily the witch hazel is growing in a large pot in the back garden so I didn't have to go far for my shot, but I hope that by tomorrow I'll be feeling up to venturing further in search of other small interesting things to photograph.

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