Dedicated to uncle John.

Four years uncle john said 'I've found this fab app, you upload a picture each day, you'd like it'. Four years on I'm still blipping and love it.

I've met some fabulous people through it, meeting up with some too which makes it even more special.

It's given me (and family and friends) a unique insight into our lives as a family of 3 and now 4.

Uncle John is a special part of our lives, he leads daddy astray, but we love him to pieces, if it wasn't for him, telling me about this in the pub four years ago, I wouldn't have this amazing (backed up just in case) memory x

Uncle John, This blip is dedicated to you x

first ever blip - waiting for daddy in the pub
1 year on, watching the hunt
2 years on, watching the hunt again
3 years on, Boxing Day lunch with uncle John and Auntie Katie (Lucy and her grandma too)
4 years on, Boxing Day lunch once again with uncle John, Auntie Katie, Lucy and her grandma.

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