Part of the view from the Struie viewpoint, over the Dornoch Firth, near high tide time. Some snow on the distant hills, and a few patches of mist about too (much bigger version).

The road that brings you by here can be distinctly iffy at this time of year, with deer, ice, and snow being the main hazards. None of those on the way North in daylight, though one poor soul would've been a bit shaken after failing to make it around the bends near Adross. There was no-one about when the Postie and I arrived at the scene (in the extra). He called the Police, and whilst wait for them to arrive, I directed the passing traffic by. 

The falling snow was lying on the higher parts of the route, on my return South in the evening. I took it easy...

(Took a single film photo/Blip for yesterday, so it'll be an age before that appears... hopefully. Also hope we're all still here by that time! Blipfuture - I'm in, as they say.)

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