Someone eat Santa
Took Kilda over to see the dog crèche she is going to go to next year. Looks OK. I’m sure she won’t like it to start with but it will hopefully do her some good with socialising and separation.
Headed into work this afternoon even thought I’m meant to be off. Needed to get something finished I’ve been working on for the last two weeks. Managed to get it done only to be told the rush order I was working towards won’t be needed now.
J took Kilda to the vets for her kennel cough vaccination and then to the pet shop to buy a new water bowl. She had acquired the habit of picking up her water bowl after a drink when it’s still half full spilling the rest over the floor. We now have a tapered ceramic one she can’t pick up or tip over with her paws.
Went into the lounge tonight to find that Christmas had balfed over it. Looks good. Her she is having a play in the lounge after finding a Santa hat on the floor. We couldn’t get her to stay still long enough for a photo with it on her head. Almost there now.
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