Boxing Day

Boxing Day is a holiday traditionally celebrated the day following Christmas Day, when servants and tradesmen would receive gifts, known as a "Christmas box", from their bosses or employers, in the United Kingdom and former British colonies. Today, Boxing Day is the public holiday that generally takes place on 26 December.

In Holland we have an extended 2nd Christmas Day in which many have a second expanded 20 course meal with family or friends. 

Our 'Boxing Day' starts tomorrow when the 'End Years Sale' starts in the shops and I already spotted my desired little Sony a6000 kit pilled up in the local camera shop's entrance. 
Really curious what the bargain price will be tomorrow, for I'll probably want one :-))

Please help us save Blip, claim your share at today!
I already pledged my contribution, will you join our chain too? 
(please feel free to copy this call for action and paste it in every entry) 

info: Newdelftblue by Hjar

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