Red Squirrel


Fabulous Fungus Revisited

Today, as with last Wednesday's blip, on my way home from work I took a detour to the other side of Norwich to take some shots of this gloriously coloured fungus, this time from another angle. In the meantime I'd thought how good it would be to have some shots from above it - so this morning I loaded my 3-step ladder into the boot of my car before leaving for work (that's what I forgot to take with me yesterday when I was working near the site of the fungus, which would have saved me todays detour). I've no idea what folks in passing cars, or the 2 dog walkers who passed nearby, must have made of this strange woman standing on top of a step ladder photographing fungi!
At least this week there was no Norfolk Show, so my journey home was easy and I arrived back just before 6pm.
Taking ladders to work with me for blipping? I'm seriously starting to worry about myself now! lol

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