
Scene from a communal garden close to where we live: individuals can 'rent' plots and 'grow things.'

It reminds me a bit of my grandparents, who each had such a garden plot. The plots were as close to a 'secondary residence' as could be in those days: a retreat from the city, with a very well appointed hut for tools and coffee making and, of course, all manner of veggies and fruits. I spent quite a few of my afternoons and school vacation days there. My favorite eats: fresh carrots and peas straight out of their shells. I now wonder what became of these spots...

I'm hitting a lull on my 'blip energy' and for the first time in 18 months, have skipped some days. Perhaps it's the dull drums of having just returned from vacay; perhaps the activity is losing its interest. Has this happened to anyone else?

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