at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

I'm a christmas tree!!!!

Present opening this morning was great fun. Ivy got a light table from Pops and Granny Grant, so opened that first- then her presents from Aunty Kirsty and to Briar and WIllow (pat mats made with hairgel and beads) were played with on top. Tried to get her to go for a nap before going out to the chielidh place for christmas lunch- but she was so excited she was doing back flips in her bed.

Lunch at the chielidh place was amazing- it was a turkish buffet this year. Briar and Willow chewed their way through all sorts of interesting foods and ivy loved having her gang to play with. I love the cheilidh place at christmas- someone said its such a change from insular families all having their individual turkeys and he's exactly right- thats why I love it.  It's a bit anarchic, going to eat random food with some of the village. 

WIllow and Ivy went home to have a nap, but Briar bravely fought on. It was impressive she kept her eyes open so long. Got home to Euan watching finding nemo with Ivy and Willow. 

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